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For the listed items please contact:

SK KC1EW Rex Mott

Agent for sales : Bert Onachila
Phone: 863-853-9660

1. Yaesu FT-857D HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver. Mic, power cord
and manual----------------------------------------------------------------$800.00

2. Astron power supply RS-35M---------------------------------------$100.00
3. Palstar AT2K 2,000 watt antenna tuner-----------------------------$200.00
4. Yaesu MD-100ABX dynamic microphone with stand------------$100.00
5. MFJ-784B Tunable DPS filter----------------------------------------$ 75.00
6. Delta-2 2 position coaxial antenna switch---------------------------$ 30.00
7. Kenwod TS-520 HF Transceiver (for restoration) Bands: 80/40/20/15/10
meters. RX works. TX doesn’t work. Comes with hand mic and manual. Also
comes with what looks like a capacitor replacement kit. The unit is in
very good physical condtion----------------------------------------------$125.00
8. Yaesu FT-1500M 2 meter FM transceiver with power cord,
microphone, and manual---------------------------------------------------$ 50.00
9. Boafeng UV-5R V2 VHF/UHF HT new in box---------------------$ 35.00
10. Boafeng UV-5R VHF/UHF HT in box------------------------------$ 30.00
11. Boafeng UV-5R V2 VHF/UHF HT used extra batteries----------$ 35.00

Note prices posted are less than you would expect to pay on E-Bay and no postage.

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