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The Lakeland Amateur Radio Club (LARC)

The LARC is the largest amateur radio club in Polk County, and we are always eager to introduce new folks into this diverse and exciting hobby!

A little history...

Lakeland Amateur Radio Club was formed back in 1976 and has been active throughout the county ever since. Each year, the club offers support to many organizations. 

As Amateur Radio Operators we are on a constant mission to protect our airwaves and to provide assistance to our community.  From Hurricanes, to tornados, to free Radiograms at Airshows, to providing communications for Hunger and Breast Cancer Walks.  As Amateur Radio Operators we are focused on being there not only for each other, but for our community as well.


This site is ©2025 The Lakeland Amateur Radio Club, Inc., a 501(c)(3) and Florida non-profit corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
Any questions about content should be directed via email to the webmaster.
The current time is 2025-02-08 21:42:14 PST (-0800).
This page was last modified on 2021-03-16 06:09:48 PDT (-0700).
This page has received 25091 hits since November 27 2007.