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LARC Repeater Acceptable Use Policy

1. Strive to be courteous to others.  With all the diverse personalities on-the-air nowadays, this can, at times, be trying. 

2. Accept breaks as normal occurrences in Ham Radio -- not an intrusions to your 'private service.'  Some hams do not always exercise their best discretion in breaking into existing QSOs.

3. Listen for a short time before you transmit on a repeater.  Use common sense on this one.  Don't just switch over to a repeater channel from another frequency and immediately start transmitting unless your situation requires it!

4. Limit your time on a the repeater to within reason.  This can vary a great deal and will depend upon the circumstance, but rag chewing is NOT recommended encouraged - especially during the morning and evening drive times and is not a friendly practice either way!  Remember to ID as required every 10 minutes.

5. Talk to strangers once in a while.  Many hams, all good people, slip into a habit of not talking with anyone they don't already know when operating FM repeaters.  When talking to them, be sure to mention the LARC and invite them to attend a meeting or function, and give them the web site address.

6. If you're a tight, efficient operator, you may be proud of yourself -- but there's a problem.  When you're on the repeater, no one else can get in edgewise!  Every now and then, vary your timing to give others a chance to get in, especially when keying up to transmit.  Give it a second or two before keying up to reply so that a breaking station can get in.

7. If you're operating too loosely on a repeater with long gaps in between transmissions, do not be surprised if another operator suddenly uses the repeater!  They are completely within their rights, and have not committed any error.  It is then your responsibility to politely inform them of any "GROUP ACTIVITY" involving the repeater at that time, such as parades, weather nets, etc.

8. If your area repeater has closed control or autopatch access codes, do not give them to others over the air!  If you are entrusted with such information, you are expected to treat it with discretion.  The LARC Autopatch is for members use only.

9. The LARC repeater is supported by its' members.  Although it is an "open repeater", members have priority over non members.  Non members should be invited to join the club to help sponsor and support the repeater.  Non members should treat the repeater as if they are a guest in someone's home.

10. Strive to use acceptable language over VHF and UHF repeaters.  Controversial as it may seem, what is acceptable tends to vary from one part of the country to another, but placing some reasonable LIMITS on language helps set better standards for Amateur Radio.  Q-Codes or "Q Signals" should be avoided and are not used on the repeater.  Use of the ITU standard phonetic alphabet is desirable and this practice is encouraged especially when checking in to a net.

11. Keep your conversations upscale and in line with others.  There is no room on the repeater for know-it-all types or people who constantly put people down or harass others.  Be nice and treat others with respect and they will respect you.  The "Golden Rule" rules.

12. Keep your language clean.  There are many people from all walks of life that use the repeater and many more who just listen.  Be respectful of others and keep your conservation clean.  Act your age, and be aware that others who may not like their children listening to this type of language have the same rights to enjoy using the repeater as you do.  If you cannot have a conservation with someone without using these words, then do it elsewhere.  Also, keep in mind that many young hams are out there, so please set an example we can all be proud of and that exemplifies the proud history of amateur radio.

13. Use simplex channels when they make more sense. Two cars traveling close together should NOT be using a REPEATER unless there is some compelling reason,  looking for another friend to join in, or the contact is going to be brief, etc. 

14. Do not be afraid to use the repeater. That's why it's there!  No one should question your decision to utilize the repeater for a short to medium contact.  For long extended visits following contact, changing to a SIMPLEX channel would be most considerate to others looking to use the repeater.


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Any questions about content should be directed via email to the webmaster.
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This page was last modified on 2021-03-16 06:35:28 PDT (-0700).
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