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---- NOTICE ----

As of February 2015, you *MUST* have acquired your FRN from the FCC in order to complete testing at a LARC-administered testing session. If you do not have a FRN from the FCC then you can visit the FCC ULS registration site to complete registration and obtain your FRN. This FRN will be used in lieu of your Social Security Number on the FCC Form 605. Whereas you could use either your SSN or FRN in the past, going forward you will be required to use your FRN to test with the LARC. Thank you!

If you are interested in obtaining a FCC Amateur Radio operator's license, then the first place we would recommend to start would be the "What is Ham Radio?" site sponsored by the ARRL. Once you find out more information and decide that it's right for you, then we suggest that you acquire the current study materials from the ARRL as well as the excellent study aids created and compiled by Joe Pirkle, AD4IH, available here on this site. After reading those study guides and absorbing that information, you will likely want to test that knowledge with online tests before participating in one of our monthly test sessions. For that online testing and practice, we highly recommend the fine folks at HamTestOnline.

The LARC has their own Volunteer Examiner Team which is headed up by Peggy Kennedy, N4PEG and Mike Oliver, KT2T. We have completed the process of having our team officially recognized by the ARRL and we have formalized a regular testing schedule for the second Monday of each month starting at 17:30 (5:30 PM), just before the monthly club meeting which is held at the same location and starting at 19:00 (7:00 PM). All costs associated with administering exams are covered by the LARC, so there is NO COST to the candidate for their test(s)! The test sessions will be held at the same location, and just prior to, our monthly club meeting here:

Monthly Meetings

As of 2018-06-04, preregistration is no longer required to attend a LARC test session. You can just walk-in.

IMPORTANT! When preparing to come in for your exam, please bring your FRN (mandatory, no exceptions!) an operational pen, one or two sharpened pencils, a simple (non-programmable) calculator if you desire, at least two forms of identification (one must have a picture), a photocopy of your existing license (if upgrading), and any CSCEs of record. It is important that you arrive prepared so that other candidates aren't disturbed during their exams.

If you are interested in being part of the LARC VE Team, please contact us here.

Thanks for your support, we are excited about serving the amateur community in Polk County and beyond!


This site is ©2023 The Lakeland Amateur Radio Club, Inc., a 501(c)(3) and Florida non-profit corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
Any questions about content should be directed via email to the webmaster.
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